The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. Proverbs 9:10 (ESV)
The difference between being afraid and being fearful is the first step in wisdom. The fear of the LORD happens when we see His great kindness towards us. When I witness the grace of God towards myself or others, it sends a cornucopia of emotions through me. Not the least of which is an overwhelming sense of God’s greatness. How a righteous and holy God would choose to forgive me causes me to fear Him all the more. Not because of judgement, since He’s forgiven me, but because I see how GREAT He is and how GREAT His love is. Fear, awe, reverence are all words I’ve heard others use to explain this word “fear”, and I get how these words are helpful, but the power of forgiveness when received or witnessed will often leave us without the “right words” to describe how GREAT God is.
Knowledge of the Holy One is a source for fearing the LORD.