As I enter the later seasons of my life, I look back with gratitude on the mercy God has shown me. On May 11, 1977, He regenerated my heart and gave me the faith to believe the good news—that Christ took the punishment for the sins I had committed. That moment changed the course of my life, and I’m still learning to live in the light of that grace every day.
I love God, but not as well as I should.
I love my wife, but not as well as I should.
I love our children—the jury’s still out on how well I’m doing (smile).
In addition to my faith and family, I have a deep appreciation for technology. That’s one of the reasons this blog exists—not to talk about tech, although I may from time to time, but to use it as a tool to share my thoughts. I believe that, just as God orchestrates events in our lives, He also brings people here who are meant to read these words. Whether you’ve stumbled upon this page or were led here, I hope what you find encourages or challenges you in some way.
The ideas on this blog are my own, shaped by my passion for the Bible, sacred hymns, and technology. I use Microsoft Word for grammar and spelling, and the internet for research. I also use ChatGPT as my “Editor,” helping me refine my thoughts and words.